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Pikeville Elder Abuse Attorney

Elder abuse occurs when an elderly person is abused, mistreated, or otherwise harmed by another person. These cases frequently arise in nursing homes, adult daycare facilities, or in-home care, but other people, including family members and friends, may be responsible for elder abuse as well. People who have suffered elder abuse deserve to be heard and when they are unable to protect themselves, family members and loved ones can give them a voice.

If you believe that your elderly loved one has been physically, financially, or otherwise harmed by someone preying on their weaknesses and disabilities, contact a Pikeville elder abuse lawyer at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C, to discuss the details. No one, especially the elderly, should have to suffer harm at the hands of another person and those who have inflicted harm on your loved one should have to answer for their actions.

Pikeville Elder Abuse Attorneys

  • When our Pikeville personal injury attorneys represent victims and their loved ones in elder abuse cases, they blend strong and passionate advocacy with friendly and compassionate client services. Our attorneys provide comprehensive client representation to help you recover emotionally, physically, and financially for the losses you have suffered.
  • We take cases on a contingency fee basis so that some of your financial stresses may be alleviated. We do not collect any attorneys’ fees until we have helped you successfully recover financial compensation in your case.
  • For over 40 years we have successfully represented injury victims and secured millions of dollars in settlements and trial awards for our injured clients and their families.

Types Of Elder Abuse

There are different types of elder abuse and some types are easier to recognize than others. In some cases, elder abuse is not even discovered until years after it begins and sometimes it’s not discovered until the elderly victim’s death. See below for different types of abuse.

  • Physical, sexual, emotional abuse. These types of abuse are all too common, especially when victims are unable to communicate that they are being abused or are unable to recognize that they are being abused because of their limited physical or mental capacity. They may also be afraid to tell anyone about the abuse for fear of retaliation.
  • Failing to keep them safe from harm. Facilities and caretakers are expected to protect elderly adults and when they don’t, elderly patients can suffer injuries. For example, they may be injured when they are allowed to wander away from their care facility, they suffer abuse or theft at the hands of other residents, or they are exposed to dangers leading to falls or other injuries.
  • Neglect. Neglect may include isolating or confining elderly adults to a bed or room for long periods of time or denying them reasonable access to phone calls and visitors.
  • Failing to care for elders. Poor personal care may subject elders to unhygienic living conditions or they may become malnourished and dehydrated when they are not properly looked after.
  • Negligent medical care. Negligent medical care may include failing to diagnose or treat conditions and ignoring medical complaints.
  • Theft. Elderly adults are vulnerable and easy to take advantage of and perpetrators often steal or coerce them into giving away money and other personal property.

Compensation For Elder Abuse

When someone’s wrongful conduct has caused your elderly loved one to suffer injuries and damages, your loved one deserves to be compensated. Contact a Pikeville elder abuse lawyer at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., to schedule a free personal injury consultation.