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Q&A: Is It Illegal To Carry An Ice-Cream Cone In Your Pocket In Kentucky?

April 16, 2020

No, that is not true.

There are a lot of internet memes and listicles about weird laws in various places. One that is commonly found online is that it’s illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket in Kentucky.

Sometimes the city of Lexington is also specified.

Checking Kentucky’s Revised Statues and the ordinances for Kentucky’s cities shows this is a myth. It is not illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket here, and there doesn’t appear to have ever been such a statute or ordinance in Kentucky forbidding this.

I also can’t find this rule in Kentucky’s case law, although the manufacture, transportation, and consumption of ice cream do figure in a number of cases, from a child injured by an ice cream truck to someone murdered by poison likely administered in a dish of ice cream.

While inadvisable, it’s perfectly legal to carry ice cream in your pocket in Kentucky.

If you have a question about Kentucky law, it’s best to ask a Lexington injury lawyer rather than relying on internet strangers!

This is a blog post, not specific legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is intended or created.