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Safety Tips For Pedestrians and Drivers in Kentucky

July 30, 2022

Pedestrians are at risk of being seriously injured when they are walking or exercising around motor vehicles. However, whether they are injured or not, often depends on the actions of other drivers. Still, there are steps that pedestrians can take to keep themselves safe as well. Here, we want to discuss some of the main safety tips for pedestrians and drivers in Kentucky.

Safety Tips for Pedestrians

There are various steps that pedestrians can take to keep themselves safe when they are out and about near the roadway.

  • Remain visible at all times. It is certainly safer to be out and about during the daytime, but if you have to be out during dawn, dusk, or nighttime, you need to wear appropriate clothing that is visible to other drivers. This includes lighter shirts and pants as well as possibly even reflective tape or shoes to ensure that vehicles can see you.
  • Stay on sidewalks if possible. If there are sidewalks present, you need to be on them. Drivers will expect you to be on the sidewalk and not in the roadway. If there are no sidewalks, walk or run while facing oncoming traffic.
  • Cross and marked crosswalks. If there are marked crosswalks, then you are required to use them under Kentucky law. Typically, every intersection in Kentucky will be considered a crosswalk, even if it is not specifically marked as such. Drivers know to yield to pedestrians inside crosswalks and at intersections. If there is not a crosswalk or intersection, you can still typically cross the roadway, but you should only do so if you absolutely have a clear path to cross safely.
  • Eliminate distractions. You need to eliminate distractions. We encourage all pedestrians to walk, jog, or run without headphones in. You need to be able to hear what is going on around you. Additionally, if you are walking, keep your phone in your pocket and out of your hand. Staring at the phone screen will prevent you from seeing approaching dangers.

Safety Tips for Drivers

Drivers must also take steps to ensure pedestrian safety. Not only are they required to by law, but it is the right thing to do.

  • Always yield to pedestrians. Please understand that pedestrians typically always have the right of way. Even if you are unsure about whether or not a pedestrian has the right of way, go ahead and assume that they do and slow down or stop. You must certainly always yield to pedestrians inside marked crosswalks and in parking lots.
  • Remain mindful of pedestrians that may not see you. Please understand that pedestrians may not see you approaching, even though you are in a larger vehicle. Go ahead and assume that the pedestrian around you has not seen you unless you make direct eye contact with them.
  • Predict unpredictable pedestrian behavior. Always expect pedestrians to make unpredictable moves. Just like you practice defensive driving for other vehicles on the roadway, practice defensive driving when pedestrians are around. This means anticipating pedestrians darting out into the roadway, crossing the road when they shouldn’t, or even stumbling over in your path.

Working With a Lawyer

If you or somebody you love has sustained a pedestrian accident injury caused by the negligence of another driver, reach out to a skilled attorney who can handle every aspect of the claim on your behalf. You deserve compensation, and an attorney can help you get it.