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Suboxone Lawsuits in Kentucky

Suboxone, a type of medication used to treat those with opioid use disorder, may cause its own set of health risks. Many people have filed lawsuits against the manufacturers of the drug, claiming it caused numerous complications, including significantly increasing the risk of severe tooth decay.

If you believe you may be the victim of these complications and wish to join the Suboxone lawsuits in Kentucky, our Kentucky product liability lawyer at Gary C. Johnson, Attorneys at Law, P.S.C., can offer guidance to you.

What You Need to Know About Suboxone Lawsuits in Kentucky

Victims who have suffered injuries from taking Suboxone, including as a treatment for opioid use disorder, may be eligible to file a claim against the manufacturers of the drug if they can demonstrate the link. Over 11,000 people have filed a claim. Those claims have been consolidated in the Suboxone Film Products Liability Litigation.

There has been no outcome for these lawsuits just yet. However, those who are victims and believe they suffered because of these risks can seek legal guidance from our legal team.

Suboxone Lawsuits Link It to the Development of Severe Tooth Decay

The lawsuits filed against the manufacturers of the drug show a link between the use of Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone) and the development of severe dental injury. The drug manufacturer Indivior faces numerous claims for such risks.

Specifically, it is believed that Suboxone film weakens tooth enamel. That is due to the acidic qualities of the drug. In 2022, after the start of such claims, the manufacturer began placing warnings on the drug’s labels for the risk of increased tooth decay.

Right now, these lawsuits are centralized into multidistrict litigation (MDL) and are in front of Judge Philip Calabrese in the Northern District of Ohio. However, those who are in Kentucky and facing the risks associated with this drug have the ability to seek legal action as well.

What Suboxone Lawsuits Allege

Many of the Suboxone lawsuits in Kentucky and around the country have a direct relationship between the use of the drug and the development of dental injury. Those filing those lawsuits state that the manufacturer failed to warn about the risks and knew or should have known about these risks.

They note that the company that designed and manufactured the sublingual film specifically for opioid addiction treatment did not provide any preventative guidance or warnings about the risks. There have been numerous motions by the manufacturer to dismiss the case, but all have failed.

What You Can Do If You Believe You Should File a Suboxone Lawsuit Claim in Kentucky

If you believe you have a case and you wish to join it, we strongly recommend doing so with the help of an attorney familiar with the risks associated with this injury. It is critical to work with an attorney who is knowledgeable about this lawsuit and what it takes to qualify to file as a part of it.

Contact Gary C. Johnson Attorneys at Law, P.S.C. now to learn more about your rights in such a claim at a free consultation. What you will find is that there are many potential opportunities to recover damages depending on what occurs in this case.

Our legal team can keep you on track and informed about the decisions and help you meet the qualifications to join these lawsuits.