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Texting and driving dangers

Kentucky drivers are likely already aware of the dangers of text messaging while driving a car. However, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has recently released a study clearly identifying the risks with statistical language.

Driver distraction was responsible for 18 percent of all fatal crashes in 2010. This represents more than 3,000 people killed nationwide in accidents that left approximately 416,000 people wounded. A study from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute indicates that the chances of an automobile accident increase by 23 times when the driver is texting. Eleven percent of drivers aged 18 to 20 who survived a crash admitted that they were texting while they drove. There have been substantial efforts nationwide to raise awareness about these statistics and discourage drivers from texting.

Joining a growing number of states and municipalities that have attempted to reduce the number of distracted driving incidents by regulating texting while driving, the Kentucky state legislature acted to ban text messaging while driving anywhere within the state. Reading, writing, sending or receiving a text message while operating a motor vehicle is forbidden by state law. However, utilizing a handheld or hands-free cellular phone for voice communication while driving is not regulated or prohibited in any way for any driver over the age of 18.

Auto accident injuries as a result of the carelessness and irresponsibility of another driver may be eligible for compensation under Kentucky law. The guidance of an attorney can be of use to those who wish to press their claim and receive redress for their medical expenses, damage to property and other economic losses that stem from the wreck.

Source: Kentucky State Legislature, “189.292b. Use of personal communication device prohibited while operating motor vehicle in motion on traveled portion of roadway,” 2011

Source: FCC, “The dangers of texting while driving “, November 20, 2014