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Understanding the severity of auto-pedestrian collisions

Now that the Memorial Day weekend has come and gone, Kentucky residents may be gearing up for summer. Those plans may include spending more time outdoors so that individuals can enjoy the warmth and sun that comes with the turn of the season. As more people choose to ride their bikes, walk to work and play at parks, they may discover that they are having more encounters with vehicles on the roads.

Vehicles and pedestrians must share the roads so that everyone can stay safe when they are in each other’s vicinity. Rules apply to both parties and everyone must act reasonably to keep each other out of harm’s way. However, drivers must exercise their duty of care when behind the wheel of their vehicle to avoid the tragic and sometimes deadly accidents that happen when they hit pedestrians.

The victim of an auto-pedestrian accident can suffer catastrophic injuries. Head trauma, spinal cord damage, broken bones and other serious injuries are possible when pedestrians are hit by vehicles. Superficial injuries like cuts, scrapes and abrasions can be painful and serious and may leave scarring depending upon their depth and severity.

When pedestrian injuries are very serious, it is possible that the pedestrian may pass away from the injuries he or she suffered. When a death results from the collision between a person and a vehicle, wrongful death claims may be possible for the decedent’s surviving relatives and estate. However, when a victim survives their ordeal and is left with grievous injuries, they may choose to pursue their losses through personal injury claims.