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What are the statistics for drunk driving accidents in Kentucky?

January 15, 2016

Drunk driving is an issue that plagues many states, and many believe that it requires immediate resolving. Kentucky drivers such as yourself may therefore find it beneficial to keep track of the recent overall trends and statistics.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has provided a full data analysis of all accidents between the years 2010 and 2014. Within it, there is a list of the statistics associated with drunk driving charges. The report begins by stating that alcohol-related crashes continue to be a high priority issue, carrying over from the previous five-year report. Using the Fatal Analysis Reporting System data, it has been determined that 158 of the annual fatal vehicle accidents are caused by alcohol. It has also been stated that alcohol is a definite contributing factor to Kentucky’s crash report average. Over the last five years, Kentucky has averaged roughly 4,535 accidents per year.

Reportedly, alcohol-related fatalities were 1.9 percent lower in 2014 than in the previous four years. There was a 6.5 percent total decrease in alcohol-related crashes in 2014 as compared to 2010-2013, as well. Meanwhile, underage drinking continues to be a large issue in the battle against drinking and driving. Drivers aged 16-20 made up to 14.8 percent of alcohol-related incidents in some counties. However, the number varies largely between counties.

While alcohol-related crashes have actually decreased over the last several years, the economic impact is still high. For example, estimated costs of these crashes in 2014 has been pinned at around $289 million. Data from the National Safety Council ballparks the number even higher, at $883 million.