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What can Kentucky drivers do to stay safe around large trucks?

Not long ago this Kentucky personal injury legal blog discussed several critical events that truck drivers can cause that can lead to serious collisions with other motor vehicles. While truck drivers are tasked with operating their rigs safely and following the rules of the road, there are also some important steps that other drivers can take to stay out of harm’s way when they are operating near large commercial vehicles.

Drivers should always position themselves where truck drivers can see their vehicles. This can mean avoiding trucks’ blind spots, also called “no zones,” where truck drivers cannot see other vehicles. A driver who lingers in a truck’s blind spot may find themselves with nowhere to go if the truck attempts to merge into their lane.

Also, drivers should give trucks plenty of time and space to make driving maneuvers. Drivers should not cut off large trucks or cause them to have limited space to stop or change lanes. If a driver cannot judge how quickly a truck is moving, then that driver should wait to allow a truck to pass them before making a left-hand turn.

Finally, drivers who are involved in accidents or who experience vehicle trouble should take action to keep their disabled vehicles out of highway traffic lanes. A large truck may not have space to move out of a disabled vehicle’s way if that vehicle is still in a traffic lane, and such a problem may lead to a secondary collision.

All drivers should take proactive steps to avoid serious collisions, including crashes with large vehicles like semi-trucks. When accidents happen, though, truck accident victims can work to protect their rights by exploring the possibility of filing a personal injury lawsuit if appropriate.